Clifford Spring Raffle: And the Winners are……

Greetings from Spring Raffle Central!

A heart-felt THANK YOU to all the Clifford parents, teachers, staff and friends, who visited the Library — or who had others do the honors on their behalf — and reached into their pockets to support the PTO and enter the raffle for a chance (or two) to win some seriously awesome prizes!

A special thank you to Mrs. Barron who generously donated the Library’s space as our Raffle venue. We are incredibly grateful to Mrs. Barron for letting us take over her domain for a couple of weeks.

On Friday morning, May 31st, the raffle prize winners’ names were pulled from each (colored) box.

View the complete list of prize winners here.

Mrs. Barron, Clifford's Librarian for eight years, pauses in her work day for a photo beside her prize: an "instant 4th-of-July celebration basket." Congratulations!

Congratulations to all you winners! A team of parents has called or emailed all winners, depending on the contact information raffle entrants provided on the tickets!

The prizes that attracted the biggest ticket draws? Movie passes for four people (Century Theater), the American Girl Doll basket, the Chamberlands cabin in Lake Tahoe, and Monterey basket (four passes to the Aquarium, a one-night stay at the Seascape Resort, and basket goodies). In that order.

The least popular, alas: A month of self-defense classes and a jewelry store gift certificate.

Shaken, not stirred: Here's the "Mix with the Best" prize, including a handy condiment tray!

What was in the large green Mystery Bag, that “cornucopia of treasures,” you ask? Well, the winner received a $50 gift certificate to Yokohama (Japanese restaurant), a $25 gift card for Café La Tartine, a $25 gift card for Quinto Sol, a newly-opened Mexican restaurant in Redwood City, a San Francisco Giants t-shirt, a bottle of wine — and two movie passes!

Stay tuned for details on how much money we raised.

Thank you for your support!

The box runneth over: A lot of people, it turns out, wanted to win the Mystery Prize! This photo shows the box full of raffle tickets!

One thought on “Clifford Spring Raffle: And the Winners are……”

  1. Great event! Thanks to everyone who donated time and/or prizes; purchased tickets; and/or graciously paved the way for the event to take place.

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