Special Thanks to Clifford School Staff!

We are just halfway through September and the school year has been a little dramatic for us kindergarten parents. After rumors of chicken pox and bug infestations, it seems that bugs are the culprits. My daughter had the bites and honestly they weren’t any worse than a few mosquito bites. They were itchy, but went away quickly.

Don’t get me wrong,  I’m the first to cringe at the lice notices and am getting a little itchy just writing about bugs, but my daughter will be okay.  Her bites will heal and she has probably already forgotten about them.  What will take a little longer to get out of our memories are the chain link fences surrounding her classroom and the kinder play structure.  It will be hard to forget the stressed looks on the teachers faces as they are trying to help all of these little children adjust to strange rooms without all of the cute, familiar pictures on the walls.

I am thankful that our school administration took this issue seriously and are doing everything possible to insure our children’s safety while at school.  I appreciate the information that we have been given and I applaud the response.  What I hope is that everyone will remember to show the kindergarten teachers some extra love and appreciation.  They were just getting all of these little children settled into a routine when they lost their classrooms and have been moved around. They are all in a new space and teaching our children with the exceptional skill, patience and love that they have always been known for.

Soon the bugs will be gone and the fences will be down but our teachers will remain and lets remember what is important: to appreciate what they’ve done for all of the kindergarteners during this time.

Thank You Mrs. Overbey, Mrs. Strombom, Mrs. Edelstein and Mrs. Wilkerson!

– Lisa Chad

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