Category Archives: Volunteering

Traffic & Safety Update (Plus, A Message for Kinder Parents)

Many thanks to Maria Moreno, Tia Knuedler, Maria Martin, and Sam Faus for joining the traffic & safety team! Thanks to them, we now have 3 crossing guards in the morning and in the afternoon. In order to have all crosswalks covered, we are still in need of 1 more person in the morning & afternoon.

For anyone who prefers not to do crossing but would like to help us out, we have added 3 positions as a “Safety Monitor”. These folks will either supervise the children at pick up, ask cars to pull up in the car line, or supervise children & drivers in the upper parking lot. If interested for either role, please contact Nanette Silverman at (650) 678-1112 or at nsilverm AT

Also, it has come to our attention that many cars are being parked in the main circle during dismissal time for Kinders. As a friendly reminder, the circle is only used for the purpose of loading/unloading therefore parking or leaving your car unattended is not allowed at any time. There are some parents that would like to have their children walk out to the circle to be picked up but they are not able to do so in a safe manner if cars are parked. The Sheriff’s Department is monitoring our school and you will be at risk at being ticketed or having your car towed. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Clifford School Garden

Have you ever wondered how you might get your child to eat more fruits and vegetables? In our veggie lab behind the kindergarten and first grade classrooms, we have discovered that a child who would otherwise run from anything green will eat a whole bush of snow peas if they have grown it themselves. It’s also a fact that they have higher IQs. We have discovered crafty ways of sneaking scientific information into their heads while we distract them with worms and seeds.

Obviously, the Clifford School Garden Science program is a wonderful way to enhance your child’s academic program at Clifford school. The Garden Science Program is run by volunteers and there are ways that you can help. If you would like to ensure that your child’s class is taught Garden Science please contact one of the Volunteers so you can learn to be a docent or help out another parent who is doing so. It’s easy, fun and requires very minimal time commitment. If you don’t have a green thumb we will teach you how to grow one!

A second way to help is as easy as recycling your plastic pots. Please save those small plastic pots and donate them to the school Garden Science program. You can leave them in the office in a bag labeled Garden Science or simply toss them over the fence into the garden. Its an easy step for you, saves space in your garbage and reuses plastic containers that are not accepted in our recycling bins.

Questions? Contact Chris 650-678-4152.

Traffic Guards Save Lives – Be a Clifford Hero!

Traffic guards around Clifford are necessary to keep our students, staff and families safe. Currently, the traffic team is short one of its members and the loss has been felt by anyone picking up in the afternoon. Luckily, school staff and administrators have stepped in to help. Even Mr. Lind has been spotted with a stop sign!

If you have some time at drop-off or pickup, please think about volunteering to help with traffic. It is a vital job to keep everyone safe and traffic moving well. Please contact Nanette Silverman.

Thanks for Attending the Meeting!

A big thank you to everyone who attended our last PTO meeting. As PTO co-president, I greatly appreciate the effort made by more than 60 parents to come out on a work/school night and take an interest in what is happening at Clifford. Some came alone, some came with spouses, and some came with kids. The room was filled with energy and enthusiasm.

I want to highlight two big changes that took place at this last meeting.  First, Stephanie Freumeni (a first grade parent) has volunteered to act as translator for the PTO meetings.  On her own time, she borrowed translation headsets from the district office. In real time, Stephanie translated the meeting and and Spanish-speaking parents were able to actively participate  by wearing the headsets and hearing what was being said.  This is an amazing step for our PTO that we are very proud of.  Second, Susan Dazols, our new hospitality chair, created a feeling of warmth and belonging as she welcomed parents into the MUB.  She also organized a Halloween themed food spread with yummy home baked desserts.   This also gave parents an opportunity to volunteer to make a plate of brownies or cookies and take an active role in the PTO.  We all appreciated the work.

If you missed the meeting, please check out the meeting minutes.  We’d love to see you at next month’s meeting on Thurs., Nov. 10, at 7pm in the MUB.  Our goal is communication, enthusiasm, and surprises…

Clifford Father’s Club Info

Greetings Clifford School Dads! My name is Thomas Sperow (dad to kinder Lulu); I have volunteered to chair the Clifford Father’s Club for 2011-2012.

The purpose of this club is to get more involved with your kids, their school’s functions and activities and make it all our own. Let’s show the moms that we can make a difference in fundraising and socializing with our kids too!

I also invite any dads who would like to co-chair and help organize dad-centric events for the coming year!

Please get on my dad’s it-list by sending an email to:


No One Can Do Everything But Everyone Can Do Something!

I took on the job as volunteer coordinator because two of my children are now in Clifford and I thought it was important to do whatever I could for their school and build upon the successes that have been established. My goal to increase volunteer participation was to just go up to people and ask for help- meet people face to face, make a connection, build community and work together.  I am very grateful to the school administration who included the volunteer forms in the MAZE day packets.

The response has been overwhelming.  I have hundreds of volunteer forms and am entering them into a spreadsheet every spare moment I have.  Already, we have found volunteers to head WOW science and I am grateful because my 1st grader LOVED his field trip last year.  We also have a new traffic volunteer being trained by Nanette Silverman, so if you see a new face in the circle please smile and wave.  All this in the first week of school – amazing!  I have lots of work to do to organize and place volunteers but through the year, I’ll be contacting everyone or passing names to chairs of committees.

The Clifford Community has impressed, inspired and overwhelmed me with their hearts and generosity of time and money.  With all of this enthusiasm and excitement, I feel that this is going to be a great year for Clifford and we will compensate for what our school has lost in funding from the current economic situation of California.

Thank You!

Lisa Chad, Volunteer Coordinator