Tag Archives: box tops

Box Tops for Education


Our school will be participating in the Box Tops for Education™ program again this year! Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. To help our school, just look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school. 

Are you a Box Tops member? Sign up at www.BTFE.com to stay updated on our school’s earnings and find a full list of hundreds of participating products. Members also receive exclusive coupon offers and recipes, and can learn about extra ways for our school to earn more cash. **Sign up by September 30, 2015 and earn 5 Bonus Box Tops for our school when you subscribe to the Box Tops email newsletter! You’ll receive:

  • Bonus Box Tops offers / Coupons / Exclusive Free Sample Offers
  • Updates on your school earnings
  • PLUS 5 Bonus Box Tops just for signing up!

Just go to www.BTFE.com/signup to get started! Make sure to enter our Box Tops ID number so our school gets credit for the Bonus Box Tops. Our school’s Box Tops ID number is: 196141.


THE CLASSROOM TO TURN IN THE MOST BOX TOPS BETWEEN NOW AND OCTOBER 21, 2015 WINS A PIZZA PARTY!! Bring your Box Tops to class labeled with your child’s name and classroom number and the BTFE Coordinators will collect the Box Tops from the teachers!!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Box Tops for Education™ Coordinators for Clifford School, Keisha Munroe at kmx6996@hotmail.com and Laura Nelson at lmnelson22@yahoo.com.

Box Tops ‘R’ Us!

thClifford families:

Help us earn money for our school by collecting “box tops,” October 1st through October 24.

If you’re not familiar with box tops, these are special logos, found on the packaging for hundreds of products from your grocery store (e.g. cereal boxes, Ziploc boxes). You need to carefully cut out these box tops and send into school.

Watch out for expired box top dates (expiry dates are indicated on the packaging).

Classes will earn cool prizes for the most box tops collected.

Start collecting now.

Questions? Want to help? Contact Keisha Munroekmx6996@hotmail.com
