Read-A-Thon Raised $9933.06!

$4942.06 is going directly into the classes. $1,000 is going to Intervention/RSP/Inclusion and $2000 to the Library, $200 is set aside for the class parties. The remainder $1791 will go into the general fund.

Mrs. Keithley was the top fundraiser with $2287. She is looking into Ipads or a Smart Board for her room.

The following classes will be having a cupcake party as they were the classes in each grade to raise the most money: Wilkerson, Keithley, Berljafa, Orosco, Tuvignon, Pearson, Schiffrin, Dikun, and MacKenzie. The time and day are TBD.

Thank you to all that participated. Hopefully next year we can double the amount raised this year!!

Christina Sullivan
Read-a-Thon Coordinator

Meeting Notes: New Principal Hiring Process

Dr. John Baker, Deputy Superintendent, came to Clifford tonight to explain the process that the District will go through, before, during and after, hiring a new Principal for our school.

Here is the timeline:
3/12 to 3/20/12 – Advertising will start for Clifford Principal position
4/9 to 4/13/12 – Dr. Baker and Jan Christensen, Superintendent will be reviewing all paperwork for all applicants. Then choose about 8 to 12 of the most qualified applicants for interviewing on 4/20/12
4/20/12 – Interviewing candidates.
Last week of April: Find out who our New Prinicipal will be
First Week of May: Meet our New Prinicipal with a meet and greet at the School!!!

What will be needed to apply for the position:

  • Application
  • 3 Letters of recommendation from Superintendent, co-workers, parents at current school
  • 3-5 yrs experience as a Principal
  • 3-9 years experience in the classroom
  • Master’s Degree
  • Bilingual will be helpful but not required.

Interviewing Panel will consist of:

  • Superintendent
  • Deputy Superintendent
  • 1 Classified representative – Has historically been the Office Manager of the school
  • 5 Clifford Teachers
  • 4 Clifford Parent representatives as follows:
  • 1 – Kindergarten
  • 1 – grades 1-3
  • 1 – grades 4 & 5
  • 1 – grades 6-8
  • There will be a total of 12 people on the panel per John Baker. If you are interested in being on the panel, please e-mail him at

Some other facts:

  • If a current district Principal or Assistant Principal would like the job, they will have to interview and apply just like the rest.
  • The Applicants will not know the interview questions ahead of time. There will be 12 questions that are constructed by the panel above which are mandated to be the same for all interviews.
  • Our Administration is highly paid for this area and is higher than most other districts except Menlo Park. This will help with attracting many applicants.
  • The last time the district hired a Principal, there were 88 applicants.

Ideas for what is wanted in our new principal were submitted to Ann Berljafa who will be sending to John Baker. He will be adding this in the description of what we want. Ideas mentioned are below.
Someone who:

  • Will be able to handle many situations without taking any of it personal.
  • Has understanding of how education has changed over the years.
  • Understands the Standards and understands children as individuals
  • Good at Public Relations to help boost our reputation as the amazing school we are.
  • A fabulous communicator
  • Support and endorse the positvie relationship of the PTO.
  • High visibility and participation in all aspects of our school.
  • Is Consistent with rules and consequences, office procedures, etc.

E-mail Ann Berljafa if you would like to add to the list.